The Summit Foundation

The Summit Foundation exists in order to efficiently provide financial and strategic support to worthy charitable programs and initiatives around the world.

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About the Summit Foundation

The Summit Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit organization founded by The Summit Companies, a consulting firm headquartered in Bristol, Tennessee. The Summit Foundation is primarily funded by contributions from The Summit Companies, its employees, and its customers. The Summit Foundation was founded in 2016 and is governed by a Board comprised of employees and owners of The Summit Companies.  While many of these programs are located in the communities where The Summit Companies’ offices are located, the Summit Foundation has also provided considerable support to overseas missions, including in Haiti, East Africa, Ukraine, and Asia. The Summit Foundation does not maintain any separate offices or employees, and all administrative time needed for the operations of the Foundation are donated, so The Summit Foundation is able operate without any overhead and 100% of all donations are given are used either for benevolence and funding outside programs that meet Summit’s criteria.

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